ULI Colorado: Webinar - The Future of Density
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Access the recording of this presentation on Knowledge Finder here.
Read the blog post on this webinar here.
ULI’s best practices are based on principles of good urbanism, including compact, walkable neighborhoods and districts, development clustered near transit, robust retail, and vibrant public spaces.
The COVID-19 challenge has essentially suspended all these practices. But what will our urban world look like as we approach the “new normal?”
How will we adapt transit, co-working spaces and the workplace in general, cultural and sporting events, restaurants, farmers markets, multi-family living—places where people are encouraged to and enjoy being in close proximity?
What innovations might allow us all to return safely? How will the uses of buildings and public spaces shift? What are the economic implications? Join us for a stimulating, research-based peer into the near future.

John Desmond
Former EVP
Downtown Environment for the
Downtown Denver Partnership
Former EVP
Downtown Environment for the
Downtown Denver Partnership
Keynote Speaker:

Sara Jensen Carr, author of the forthcoming book The Topography of Wellness: Health and the American Urban Landscape
Local Panelists Include:

Jordan Block
Urban Design Lead
HDR, Inc.
Urban Design Lead
HDR, Inc.

Elena Scott
Norris Design
Norris Design

Mark Falcone
CEO / Founder / Executive Committee Member
Continuum Partners
CEO / Founder / Executive Committee Member
Continuum Partners

Laura Aldrete
Executive Director
Denver Community Planning and Development
Executive Director
Denver Community Planning and Development
Thank you to our Community Partner!

This session will be recorded and available on ULI Knowledge Finder.