Resource Volunteering with Impact East Colfax Steering Committees April 16, 2021 Opportunity to volunteer to help build equitable, affordable commercial and residential developments on the East Colfax corridor. Announcement Community and Neighborhood Development Demographics Development - Nonprofit Development Diversity Equitable Development Gentrification Inner-City Neighborhoods Placemaking and Placekeeping Revitalization/Redevelopment - Healthy Neighborhoods and Corridors
Resource East Colfax Building Healthy Places Report June 14, 2019 BHP workshop focusing on the redevelopment of the northeast block of Colfax Avenue and Yosemite Street, located at the Aurora/Denver border. Building Healthy Places Initiative Food and Real Estate Land Use Type/Sector - Housing - Affordable/Workforce Open Space Placemaking Report Revitalization/Redevelopment - Healthy Neighborhoods and Corridors Transit-Oriented Development