Signature Events
Also known as our limited seating or annual large events, our Signature Events aim to celebrate, inform, and connect the greater ULI Colorado member network. While these large events occur at different times throughout the year, they will always be included on our upcoming events page for registration and are highly sought after for sponsorship opportunities.
Annual Summer and Holiday Parties
Planned by the Explorer Series Committee and with over 300 attendees, our annual parties include educational programming and project tours with networking receptions to follow. While the summer party may take place in any of the summer months, the annual holiday party takes place in the month of December each holiday season.
Emerging Trends in Real Estate
The ULI & PwC Emerging Trends in Real Estate is an annual event where the industry’s top experts present the most relevant economic factors, latest trends, and cutting-edge innovations impacting the land-use opportunities in Colorado. These trends are based on the report released in Fall of 2023.
Impact Awards
The ULI Colorado Impact Awards are based on the ULI Awards for Excellence, the most highly respected international program of land use awards. As with the ULI awards for excellence, ULI Colorado recognizes projects that realize ULI best practices while also providing successful business and economic models. This signature event occurs every other year and will return in the Fall of 2025. Click here to view the 2023 Winners of the ULI Colorado Impact Awards!
* The above events are not standard ULI Colorado events and are excluded from annual sponsor benefits, along with local volunteer leadership benefits.