Young Leaders Group (YLG)
Young Leaders are the key to the future of real estate and land use. Now more than ever, it is critical for future leaders to have access to the knowledge and tools necessary to succeed in their careers and professional networks.
The mission of the Americas Young Leaders Group is to strengthen relationships and participation with the organization, provide opportunities for professional education and mentorship, offer networking within the local membership base, and encourage relationship building with senior members.
Additionally, the Americas YLG Steering Committee is tasked with improving leadership opportunities, facilitating the overall growth and diversity of ULI membership in this age cohort through improved retention rates, and broader ULI participation.
- Engaging and Supporting Members: To engage, support, and integrate Young Leader ULI Members by offering learning and professional development opportunities as well as opportunities to participate in ULI’s core activities, networks, and program of work.
- Leadership Development and Pipeline: To engage the cohorts in leadership development and member leadership opportunities throughout the ULI Networks and program of work.
- Network Integration: To connect Young Leader Groups and Members with one other at the District Council and Americas levels, and to connect YLG with the other ULI Networks and Centers creating more open and transparent, and connected systems.
- Membership Growth/Retention/Conversion: To facilitate the overall growth of ULI membership in YLG through improved retention rates and conversions from associate to full membership.
ULI Colorado’s YLG organizes and leads activities providing networking and education to young professionals under 35 years old in the real estate industry. With over 200 members and growing, YLG hosts its full menu of tours, volunteer days, and networking. YLGs organize regular networking events, two educational programs annually, and the Partnership Forum and Development 360 professional development programs.
YLG Chairs:
Tori Schultz, HighSide Companies, [email protected]
Britt Diehl, Downtown Denver Partnership, [email protected]
Discovery Series (DISCO):
As the Young Leader Group program committee, the Discovery Series has a forward-looking perspective focused on emerging trends and neighborhoods. The Discovery Series provides an inside look from local leaders in the industry at the latest land use currents and innovative developments in Colorado’s real estate community. Past programs have highlighted the attainable for-sale housing crisis, inner-ring suburb revitalization, the National Western Stock Show project, and emerging millennial trends.
Primary activities include the organization of 2-3 large all-member events per year. This committee meets regularly every month, maintains a group size of 10-15 participating members, and brings in outside speakers to educate the committee usually around an upcoming event topic.
Brian Craig, Urban Villages, [email protected]
Rachel Brady, Mortenson, [email protected]
Development 360:
Development 360 is an educational program for ULI Colorado Young Leaders, and graduating Young Leaders, that aims to educate participants through in-depth, project-specific information, about the overall development process. You must be a current member and 35 or younger to participate. This program is a “next level” version of ULI Colorado’s Partnership Forum.
Primary activities include: Accepted participants will attend six sessions over three months, and will explore a recently completed project as a case study. If you have wanted to know more about what it takes to be a real estate developer, this is your opportunity! You can further your career by digging into a local case study project to learn about the challenges and opportunities in the local industry
Natalie Satt, Highland Development Company, [email protected]
Chelsey Hume, Rocky Mountain Communities, [email protected]
Eileen O’Malley, The Situs Group, [email protected]
Social Engagement Committee:
The Service Learning Committee provides a unique opportunity for ULI Colorado’s young leaders to both interact with one another and to engage with the various community organizations and non-profit groups around the Front Range, through a variety of volunteer events and educational tours. The events and tours vary from year to year and are largely selected by the members themselves based on their passions. As a committee, we’ve created community gardens, built affordable homes, and worked to better the communities we live in.
Primary activities include the organization of a minimum of 6 volunteer/ community impact events each year, open to all ULI Colorado members. Partnering with other non-profit and charity organizations to connect ULI Colorado and its members to various community activities, beyond the work of ULI. Many events raise money to support important areas of work of other organizations that ULI Supports.
Kris Kucharski, Real Capital Solutions, [email protected]
Eileen O’Malley, The Situs Group, [email protected]
Dash Stethem, Highland Development, [email protected]
Partnership Forum Committee:
The Partnership Forum is a 9-month mentoring program for ULI Young Leaders, organized and managed by our YLG Partnership Forum Committee. The committee selects and invites local leaders and ULI members to serve as moderators for the 9-month program. The committee’s goal is to create diverse groups that are representative of the many facets of the real estate industry. Many Colorado Young Leaders say that this is their favorite YLG program
Primary activities include: The committee assists in the planning of the meeting activities and curriculum, the planning of three events per year including the program kickoff, mid-year review, and graduation, and the reviewing of participant applications and placing the participants in groups based on their interests and professional background.
Ryan Goold, Sopher Sparn Architects, [email protected]
Will Haass, JLL, [email protected]
Etkin Student Scholars Committee:
The Etkin Student Scholars Social Committee is an educational and career development program to help current Etkin Student Scholars become more involved in ULI and explore career paths and opportunities.
Primary activities include: This committee organizes free events focused on career development and networking for our 20-25 current Etkin Student Scholars.
Malorie Torrey, Golub & Company, [email protected]
Jamie Saunders, Adaapta, [email protected]
Membership/ Get Involved Committee:
Although the membership committee is not exclusive to young leaders, this committee seeks to recruit and renew a strong membership with geographic, ethnic, sector, and professional diversity throughout Colorado. Committee members also act as a welcoming committee to help new and future members get involved and experience the many benefits of ULI.
Primary activities include the Organization of New Member Coffee events throughout the year. Presentations and various modes of outreach to the student population and other groups. This committee meets every three months and remains available via email to answer questions and meet with new members.
Eric Veith, Gables Residential, [email protected]
Katie Donahue, Handel Architects, [email protected]