Resource Equitable Access to Capital: Real Estate Development by All, for All February 24, 2022 This virtual event addresses the complex issue of equitable access to capital and provides innovative solutions. Community and Neighborhood Development Debt and Equity Demographics Diversity Economic Development Equitable Development Event Recap Finance/Investment - Debt and Equity - Structure/Deals/Vehicles Gentrification Webinar
Resource Advocacy Training: How to Reduce Risk & Increase Success for Affordable and Workforce Housing February 3, 2022 Training and case studies for how to work with and in communities where there is opposition to affordable and workforce housing. Equitable Development Event Recap Housing - Affordable and Workforce Terwilliger Center for Housing Webinar
Resource Read, Listen, Watch List for Learning about Diversity, Equity & Inclusion July 5, 2021 Did you miss one of our Read, Listen, Watch sessions but still want to follow along with the books, podcasts or films? This list is for you! Announcement Demographics Diversity Equitable Development Event Recap Gentrification Series Video Women’s Leadership Initative
Resource Volunteering with Impact East Colfax Steering Committees April 16, 2021 Opportunity to volunteer to help build equitable, affordable commercial and residential developments on the East Colfax corridor. Announcement Community and Neighborhood Development Demographics Development - Nonprofit Development Diversity Equitable Development Gentrification Inner-City Neighborhoods Placemaking and Placekeeping Revitalization/Redevelopment - Healthy Neighborhoods and Corridors